
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Its so nice to be able to blog again!! I enjoy letting everyone back home know what has all been going on. Although I have to let you know that I am writing this post with some sadness, because of the fact that I'm writing this on another laptop. Unfortunately yesterday my Acer decided that it didn't want to turn on anymore. I don’t know if it was because the fact that it is an Acer, or that my Old Spice bottle exploded in my bag and it soaked most of the liquid up. Whatever it was it sucks that I lost the blog posts I was going to put up, along with all my pictures I saved on it. I do still have all the pics on my camera, its just that I have only space for about 15 more pictures. All in all, just not a good start to the last two weeks in Nicaragua. 


So I guess you guys don’t know where I have been for the last 2 weeks, I don’t think I mentioned it anyways. For some reason there was a big pastor conference at our compound, so we all got kicked out for a week. Which meant we had to take refuge in the touristy city of Leon. So we all got split up into our teams of 6 and got a map to where our Hostel was located. Some people were pretty frustrated that we had to leave but I was super psyched, we were finally on our own and got to experience what the three months are going to be like in Africa. Which I guess I haven't explained either, so our two Squad Leaders, Matt and Brittany are with us until December. But, In the Philippines after a month  they peace out and were completely on our own for the rest of the time on the trip. So this week in Leon was such a good experience to see what we were going to be faced with when Matt and Brit leave. Also the ministry opportunities were left completely up to us, which was another blessing because we could be as productive as we wanted to be. On the first day our team arrived we kinda just chilled at the Hostel and relaxed. The second day was when we got to work on what we wanted to accomplish in Leon. Literally a lot of our ministry just consisted of us praying and asking God what he wanted us to do. That type of ministry lead us to this organization called Quezeltrekkers which did such amazing works in the city of Leon. Most of them were European so it was awesome to be able to speak to some people that spoke English. But they soon ended up leading us to a preschool that they had thought we would really enjoy, and we did!!!. I just think I need to explain this school a little bit. It isn't just any school you would find in North America, it is in someone's house that is no bigger then the living room in my home. And they accommodate anywhere from 150 to 200 kids a day !!!! you truly have to see it to believe it. It was crazy hectic, but the kids and staff seemed to really enjoy us, so it made it all worth it. Easily some of the cutest kids I have ever seen in my life. Also I forgot to mention that the kids were from the ages of 3 to 6 so they were FULL of energy. I know I could never do that type of work but I truly admire people that get called to do it.


As for the rest of the week we ended up doing a lot of street ministry. What that consisted of was just writing nice little notes in spanish and handing them out to people. With that we got to pray over some incredible people that were so excepting of Jesus. Really brightened our day when we were able to talk to people on the street, especially people that were in need. It really is easy to be here when people are so excepting of what your doing. There hasn’t been a incident yet where someone has been bothered with our ministry. All in all Leon had to be the most amazing week of the trip thus far. Was actually really bummed when we had to come back. Although I do know were only here for another 2 weeks so I really wanna spend as much time as I can with the kids in Bethel. Mainly my boy Jeffery, cant even explain how amazing that kid is. He is the one kid that I can just look at and know exactly why I’m here. We actually just had a really good night in Bethel last night. Its some children focussed holiday, so we had like a kids worship at the church and then had a campfire after with marshmallows. Such an fun filled night, minus  the 3 and half hour church service. Im sorry, Im not sorry, I just don’t think I will ever get used to a church service longer then an hour. I guess the plus side is it gives you a lot of time to sit and read your Bible. Any who so thats what my last 2 weeks has looked liked, sorry that this one is pretty long but I feel the least I can do is keep everyone updated that helped fund my trip.


This last month has been a really hard one in the sense of what God has been doing in my life. Been a lot of painful growing and maturing, I cant explain to you guys how hard it is to hear the things that you need to work on constantly throughout the day. I really do love the people that are helping me change but, it is never easy hearing the things you do wrong. A lot of those things include my general maturity along with my ignorance and selfishness. I really encourage anyone that is looking to change to ask someone to keep you accountable. It is pretty darn hard to change by yourself, mainly because most of the time you dont realize what your doing wrong. Main example of this would be my joking around, a lot of the times it was fine and done in a playful manner. But, sometimes it was being taken offensively and that is something I did not want to continue. I would never want to use someone's pain for my enjoyment. I think Im just kinda in that desperate mode to make sure I don’t go home as that same selfish and ignorant person. I want to be able to lead by example and disciple people, not encourage bad behavior or attitudes. I really look forward to getting home and being that person I truly always was meant to be. All I needed was a little nudge from Jesus to see the person I could be. No one wants to be the bad person but, for some reason bad habits tend to turn us into them. Main prayer that has helped me along with my time in Nicaragua is praying for purity of the heart and tongue, along with mind. I find those are the best things because if we can sustain a pure heart and mind everything that flows from the lips can only be good.


Anyways enough ranting on, If you guys were able to get through that essay congratulations sorry it was so long. It actually kinda makes me happy to know I still have the patients and attention span to write this much in one sitting. Hopefully this carry’s over to college next year, who am I kidding that will never happen. Sending love back home to Family and Friends. BIG Thanks to everyone for the nice messages sent on Facebook…..


Peace Out!!!!

Me, Ellen and Rebecka's Sleep over in the Guard Tower

                                    Gabriel and Micheal !!!

                                              Night Out in Leon


5 responses to “Coming to a Close”

  1. No need to apologize for the length of your blogs Colten….. They give such a wonderful picture of your experiences. I thank you for sharing not only facts , but also your thoughts and feelings. You are experiencing a wide variety of changes ….. From losing your computer to personal character challenges. I admire how you are learning to handle it all as you lean harder and harder on Christ . With a Christ like attitude and mind set you can handle and endure all the changes and challenges that life throws you without becoming bitter. There is so much power available to you through Christ….it’s awesome to see you reaching for it !!

  2. Hi Colten !

    We enjoy reading your news, we’re proud of you doing this
    ministry. What a good expierience for a young man.
    You are doing great work for Jezus, and He will bless you
    and all the kids you work with we pray.
    Take care. Tony&Mia.

  3. . . . “praying for purity of the heart and tongue, along with mind”. Such a good prayer. Colton, good challenge to all of us, especially with your strong and transparent testimony. Here it is, mid-day in southern Alberta, sun streaming through the windows, Keaton and Courtney have just gone back to school after lunch. I re-read the blog from you and the Vineyard worship song going through my head and coming out my mouth (loudly, of course) is
    Whatever is True,
    Whatever is right,
    Whatever is pure
    Whatever is lovely
    We will fix our thoughts on these things.
    Jesus, You’re True,
    Jesus, You’re Right
    Jesus, You’re pure,
    You are lovely
    We will fix our thoughts on You!
    Jesus, Who is like You. . . . !?!

    And guess where that’s from . . . . Paul’s letter to the believers in Philipa, for ALL believers. And especially for you, Believer on your way to the Phillippines! (Phil 4:8) “And the God of peace will be in you.”

  4. Well my Child You simply put a huge smile on my face. I miss you so much and yet my heart bubbles with joy knowing God is working and molding you to be a very admirable young man. I pray you are able to seek God for your continual Growth Colten. Never stop God always wants us to seek Him We never quite arrive for that simple reason. We are always called to look for Him in all and every situation Really takes the pressure off of us. Especially when we think we should know it all or do it all.
    Continue to write my sweet boy. God uses you to inspire many

    Love you so
    Hugs and a million kisses. ❤

  5. I feel like that is a really awkward picture of you by the fountain…just sayin 🙂

    Man there is a lot here too. I love seeing how much you grew in Nicaragua and how much you will grow on your new team and in the new places you will be. Love you Colty! Praying for you dude!