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Sometimes this all just doesn't feel real. The days like this where I sit on the beach and watch my teammates play with herds of African children in the lake. The nights when your kept up from the tribal music coming from the near by villages. Or the chills that role down your spine when your lying in your tent and you hear packs of Hyenas in the distance. Is this real? I know what I signed up for but, lately I have shake myself and be reminded that this is all happening and that I need to be taking this all in. I gotta tell ya for the most part the home sickness is gone, the end is near and I'm pretty content with spending the next 2 months here. Soon I'll be home back in real life and gearing up to go back to school. It has been the one thing that so far I can't get out of my mind. The thought of going back to college and playing basketball keeps me up for hours at night. I'm so ready to get back and start it off right. Start my college years off like they should have 2 years ago. But hey that's why God loves second chances. And its only taken me 7 months to realize that I sure do love second chances too. It's been a lot of hard realizations and a ton of thinking to finally understand that as cliche as it sounds, everything happens for a reason. If it wasn't for my rough first year of college I would have never been lead to this trip. And I never would have had the opportunity to take part in such an incredible experience. So even though it kills me and I'm crazy jealous of Lynden's incredible year with the Kodiak's, I know my time is coming soon. And this time I'm coming lighter on my feet. If you guys haven't been keeping track of the LC men's basketball their in playoffs this week so be sure to wish them luck. My friend Lynden will be tearing it up for them.

As for more about ministry here in Malawi it has be amazing. Oh my gosh I wish I could upload pictures because the kids are just too cute. I wanna take one home (if only). For the most part we have just been ministering to people at the well where we get our water and other near by villages. We have also been able to take part in some church services. Now of coarse the chores at these churches aren't as good as at St. Catherines Perish but they still are pretty darn good. It's actually been pretty darn hard not to miss good ole Sunday mass after sitting in services that last for four hours week after week. We actually just recently found out about a Catholic church near by so I think I am going to go try my luck out there next Sunday. Im hoping for the best but from my experiences so far nothing is of the ordinary when in Africa By just saying that I remember of what I wanted to let you guys know about. So it's as new to me as I'm sure it is to you, of the crazy spiritual world in Africa. And even though I have only heard stories, nothing compares to being actually being here. Now don't worry this isn't going to be me ranting on about  something I have experienced, because I haven't…. Yet. Ha and I say that hoping to not jinx myself because from what I have heard it never ends good. But, anyways on our way to the well we have to pass this house that we have been notified as a witch doctors house. Now I'm not sure if you have all heard of witch doctors but they believe heavily in the spiritual world and believe in contacting spirits. They can do this through sacrificing animals and in some cases young children. For the most part they are known in the community for providing healing remedies and other medical knowledge. So as you can imagine when we found this all out we were all pretty freaked out. Especially because we walk by this house about three times a day. But to be honest for the most part she has been friendly, in the sense of waving and saying hello to us when we walk by. But we have also been told that they had to move the walking path a great distance from her house a couple months ago because, she said us Christians were getting to close, and we carry a light that interfers with her contacting her spirits. Pretty freaky if you ask me but it's cool how she explained that we as Christians carry a light. A light that shines out all darkness. Just thought I would let you guys know, so you understand a little more about how Africa operates.

 It's hard to think on my off days because we do so much in a week but I think I have mentioned everything. Most of the days we just work in the morning and then do out reach in the afternoons. So far for work we have just been planting trees and building the bible school on our ministry sight. Not all exciting but has been a great first month in Malawi. Just a little news for the future I may be heading to a new island next week to do some different ministry. Don't know if it will be for a week of 2 weeks but on the island it's 99% Islamic and has no cell service and no electricity. So for the most part should be a crazy experience if we plan on going.

Any who that's all I have for this week. Hope all is well at home. Good luck to my bro Lynden this weekend. See you all very soon. 

Sorry for all and any grammer errors, didnt have a lot of time to write this one…. 

Peace Out!!!


  1. So amazing where God will take you if you let Him lead, eh? You and your Auntie both in Africa at the same time!!!…..go figure!!
    Keep shining bright with the time you have left there …. May God continue to hold you up and build your inner strength as you prepare during your “home stretch” for the challenges you will face when you get home.
    Keeping you in my prayers,

  2. Oh Colty.
    What an experience!! But don’t you accept any other spirit. With God you can defeat any other spirits. I loved how that lady made the Christians walk further away. True testimony that with God we can do all things!!
    You are a changed boy. And you are right that God will show us and use us if we allow Him. You have helped and yet you have taken much more than you had to give. God promises that in His word!! The joy you are experiencing cannot be bought.
    You will be such a great light when you come back to us!! God is not finished with yet my son!!
    Your brothers miss you!!
    And yes I so am rooting for Lynden!!! So nice to see you supporting him.
    That’s why we are here to be there for each other.
    I continue to hold you so preciously in my prayers. And I know God is answering.
    Love you babe. Peace.

  3. Hi Colts!!!!
    Sounds super educational! You are experiencing what I only read about. I can’t imagine how beautiful Africa truly is!!! I hope you are taking it all in–wow! HELLO–witch doctor??–wow. Just keep YOUR HOLY SPIRiT strong and you are totally covered!!
    You are growing and learning soo much. I can’t wait to actually sit and talk with you face to face again and hear about it ALL! It will be soon!!
    Take care and miss you much!!
    Love you–❤ Auntie Tan

  4. Oh Colton!! I just have to rewind this a bit and point out something you wrote: “For the most part we have just been ministering to people at the well where we get our water”. That’s LOADED with parallels, Brother, LOADED! Do you SEE what you’re DOING!?! (Okay, now I’m shouting, but I’m just so DARNED exCITed!!) You’re ministering at the well
    – the well is the heart of the community, the place where the most life giving or the most damaging words get used
    – ministering at the well like Jesus did
    – ministering at the Well where we get our water, because that’s who Jesus is to us, our Living Water.

    You’re walking in the Spirit, man, and you don’t even know how much God is using you. You see so much, but there’s so much more that you can’t see that God is doing through you. But we get to see some of it, and there’s more to come. I pray, Colton, that our Huge God gives you eyes to see even more of what He’s doing.

    Wow wow wow!! God is amazing in you = you’re amazing!
    Peace to you, too!

  5. I hope you can see how much you’ve matured and grown these past 9 months. You allowing yourself to be broken, to be dependent on Him, to abandon the modern conventions. Look where it has taken you. You are becoming more and more like him. Colton, seriously, know how proud of you, I am. I am amazed by your growth, your peace, your compassion.

  6. Colton,

    Wow. I am so amazed with everything I am hearing from you. You are truly doing amazing things and I have absolutly loved reading your blogs. Praying for you here Colton. God is walking right beside you and never be afraid to shine that light you have everywhere you go. You are so amazing. Can’t wait to hear more when you are back 🙂

    Sending love from good old Coaldale! 😉


  7. Colt, bro I love reading your blogs because of your honesty. Malawi sounds sweet. Definitely understand not being able to think on off days…just want to chill sometimes. Keep pressing into the culture and ministry. Proud of you Colten!

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