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New Year…..

Month 5…… Didn’t think I would be able to type that out so soon. Has it really been over 4 months since I left home, since I said good bye to my friends, since I last hugged my Mom…. Here I sit questioning whether I want time to continue to fly by or slow down so that I will have a chance to grasp what is happening. Grasp the lessons I have learned and the changes in my spirit. You tend to get stuck in this slump where there is nothing more in this world that you want then to see your family. But, you realize that there is still so much more growing to be done, so many more things to happen until you step into that Calgary terminal. The emptiness I feel from the absence of my family has only ever been able to be filled by one thing, the comfort of the Lord. The moment that I became entirely independent from my family and friends was the time that I became dependent on God. When I had finally let go of the attachments of home, that was when I was able to fully embrace the love and grace of God. It was the dependency I had for my incredible Mom and Dad that I needed to let go of. Then I could fully trust God, fully trust His journey for me. Although, It was also then that I realized growing up kinda sucks. The days of leeching and being a bum are gone and the days of responsibility have come. And as regretful as I sound, I actually rejoice because I am finally able to take those unhealthy dependancies and put them somewhere I know I can trust… In God Hands… The only place where every piece of my being and spirit can rest safely. So even though every minute away from my family kills me, I know that this is where I’m meant to be. 

In Summary their is my sappy paragraph to assure my fam jam that I’m thinking about them. For how my ministry is going I’ll explain of where I’m at a little more. Like I said in my last post I am in Malaybalay which Is on a new island about an hour south of Manila. Our ministry is located 15 minutes outside of Malaybalay called Mount Moriah. It is a camp for various people and groups to stay at. They have a church, community hall, basketball stadium and dorms all on campus. Also on the property is a children’s orphanage where 24 kids are housed and cared for. We haven’t had much to do with the orphanage yet but, later in the month we should be spending more time their. What we have been doing lately is construction around the campus. Along with helping out with all the tournaments that have been happening at the basketball court. The community hall and basketball court were actually just built, so they had a big opening tourney for the whole community. The man who funded it all, Dr.Tom Randall came down also for the tournament. He is a really amazing guy, leader of world harvest ministries, pro basketball player in Australia and Philippines for 16 years. Also is a senior on the world PGA tour, all around an incredible athlete and has a huge heart for everyone in the Philippines. So all in all it has been a pretty good first week, been playing basketball constantly and meeting a lot of great new people. 

Our days off were something I mentioned that were going to be quite adventurous this month. And so far they have been!. Last Saturday we got the opportunity to explore a cave near a village 1 hour from Mt. Moriah. It was absolutely incredible, inside the cave stretched an underground river that flowed under 4 separate mountains. In total it took us about 3 hours to get through it all. Some of it consisted of walking, crawling and swimming through neck High waters. Really an amazing day off and one that has made the top charts of this trip. I know a lot of you are probably now thinking “man I thought this was a missions trip”, so here it is. As for ministry here, yesterday we were able to go in to a small village in the forest and go door to door to pray with the families. Some of these families were among the poorest I have seen on this trip. Was a real heart breaking experience, hard to see the amount of pain and suffering in there lives and still try to convince them there is a God out there that loves them. Really got me thinking of how easy we have it at home, like how could we ever not take advantage of the opportunities God has given us. These are people digging through the trash of the rich hoping to find anything of value to feed there kids, of which most of the families had 6+. These people would take anything we take for granted as a God sent miracle. Meals three times a day, clean cloths, warm beds, a house that isn’t falling down etc.etc.etc. Do you know how stupid I felt trying to explain to one of our cooks what a dish washer was. She darn near thought I stepped out of a time machine when I told her all you have to do is push a button and they come out clean. Start to really think of the blessings in your life and give thanks to God for them. Because we live lives in a way that these people have only dreamed about. 

Anyways that’s all I have for this week, continue to pray for me as I  work towards my half marathon, I actually leave to Cebu on Friday and am super excited!! It will be about an hour flight to another island and we will spend the weekend there. The marathon is on Sunday and hopefully I will be able to blog after the weekend to let everyone know how it went. Missing my family and friends like crazy, looking forward to seeing you guys soon. Only 17 more weeks whoop whoop!! 

Peace Out!!


  1. Another heart warming blog Colten!
    I sit here listening to the snow crystals beat against my window
    pane and think of you in the warm breezes of the Phillippines.
    Yes….a whole lot jealous.
    But jealous too of the opportunity you are experiencing to “Fully”
    rely on God. I have not really experienced that in the terms of
    having no family or friends close by . Cody talks of that same
    overwhelming feeling of having nothing but God to rely on.
    That was on his trip… I believe the luxuries of life and the
    affluent life style have somewhat diminished that experience
    and it has become something of a faint fog in history for him.
    What you do and what you listen to and who you hang out with
    upon returning home will make the difference. Christian
    connection is vital on a regular basis or you will drift.
    Cody is drifting. Please please remember him in your prayers.
    My heart is warm with joy in hearing of your work there …. And of
    your extra fun times too. Life is about balance ….same as BB.
    You are always in my prayers. Keep on keeping on !!
    I leave you with a quote from Max Lucado
    “When our deepest desire is not the things of God, or a favor from
    God, but God Himself, we cross a threshold.”
    Goodnight and God bless,
    Mrs O’Donnell

  2. Colten.
    You make me cry!! And yet I’m so happy you are able to look at all of this through Gods eyes!!
    The real test of faith will be when you come home. You realize this I’m sure. That is what I pray for. That you rely on God to prepare you to face those challenges with His Grace and love.
    Continue on son and treasure each moment. You will so appreciate this experience as you get older
    Continue to ask who you can be a Blessing to everyday. Things always seem to brighten when we take the focus off of ourselves and onto the needs of others. Love you babe. Run hard Hugs.

  3. Colts!!!
    Wow the caves sound fun!! Probably more intense than our cancun excursion –eh!!
    You are so right about our unbelievable blessings and riches. Imagine she’s never had a dishwasher. What luxury we take advantage of when there is such sadness and disparity out in the world. I relate somewhat to this realization of my MANY blessings when I go to work with my amazing cancer patients. I used to take my HEALTH for granted. I now thank God every day for this amazing blessing!!!
    Anyway, life is the same at home. You aren’t missing anything so continue to enjoy taking on the world and sharing th goodness of God. Picture Butte life will still be here when you return!! Enjoy the blessing of this opportunity to be able to focus on giving to those who truly need your good works and your ministry. How good that must feel!!! Giving of yourself is awesome!!
    Miss you tons—Tasha will be ready to take you on with some bball when you’re back! Matt is doing amazing at bball. I ask that you pray for Uncle Cam this Friday cuz he’s having shoulder surgery. And I will pray that you do we’ll in your “halfy”. So awesome!! Stretch lots and tons of water on recovery!!
    Love you—Aunty Tan💚

  4. I am very sure that when I press the dishwasher button next time I will be more appreciative. I pray that my boys will have an opportunity to “get it” like you have.

    Good luck on your half!!

    Love Auntie Kesha

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