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Help Children’s Garden!!!

Hey everyone, here is the blog I promised that goes with my video. The goal of this post is to help you guys understand what Children’s Garden is all about. First off I have to tell you about the incredible staff and the things they make available for these kids.  Sharon is our head contact here and the one you see in the video. Being with her for only a short 3 weeks, it already has been made clear that she is an amazing woman of God. She has taken in 20 street boys and protected them from substance abuse, criminal activity and starvation. Also a complete way out of their current living conditions, being provided with education and discipleship training. So that they may in the future gain a job and provide for there families, along with spreading the joy of Jesus. Sharon is one who truly puts everyone before herself. Even through financial struggles she still continues to support others around the community. This is why keeping Sharon supported is extremely important to the hundreds of people her and the rest of the staff support. Some of the many ministries we have taken part in so far have been things like feedings, bible studies, and street ministry. To get more detailed into those things, we do bible studies for prison women, prostitutes, drug addicts and the homeless.  Most of the time it just consists of us sitting there and being with them. Showing them the love of God and helping them realize there is more to life then the street. Just recently Sharon helped support a mother buy supplies to start her own craft business. It is the small generosities like this that brings hope to all living in poverty. Last night I had got back from a small community, where we paid for a months rent for a small house to get a family of 5 off the street. This family is actually a family to one of the boys staying here at Children’s Garden. Words cannot describe the joy he is feeling right now knowing that his family will be safe and warm.  Guys I could honestly go on and on of the incredible things that Children’s Garden takes part in. The importance of the work they do here is indescribable. So this is the reason for this video and blog post. As described in the video it is extremely expensive and unpractical to get 20 kids, plus staff around to all these ministry opportunities. That is why we want to help them raise enough money to buy their own Jeepney (Big long vehicle). And believe me, when I first saw and rode in a Jeepney, I was just as confused as you guys probably are right now. But, you have to understand that is just the way they get around here and it is the most effective way to get 20+ people around. Most Jeepney’s are used as public transportation and even though the cost to ride is reasonable, a 20-minute trip can become an hour in a hurry. Just because of how many different routes they take, and most of the time we have to split up into 5 different groups. So even though Jeepney’s are not the most attractive things on the road my group is determined to help Sharon and Children’s Garden out. If you guys would like to donate or even help Children’s Garden out in another way just let me know. Its Christmas season and funds are needed more then ever to make sure these kids have a great holiday. Realistically the money will most likely be sent to my mom where she can collect it and then send it all the way here. If that doesn’t work feel free to shoot me an email and I can give you further instructions. Thanks everyone for taken the time to read this, I would really appreciate it if you could pass this on to your family and friends.  Other then that, have a very Merry Christmas.
Peace Out!!!