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Another great week in Chinadega….. Although like last week it wasn’t that eventful. The starting of the week was like any other, we would do chores around the project in morning (what the missionary home is called). Later in the afternoon we would head to Bethel and do our daily rounds. Most of the time this meant playing with the kids in the field or going door to door and seeing how all the families are doing. I actually had an amazing experience with one of the families; for once I didn’t play sports in the field and instead followed a little boy named Jeffery to a friend’s home. I’ll make sure I show you guys Jeffery he is absolutely the sweetest kid ever and only 5 years old. So anyways when we were invited into the family’s home, Victoria the mother was so so so so amazing and welcoming to me. We sat there and mostly watched the kids play around, while Jeffery would occasionally come up and play a slapping game with me. Pretty much just consisted of him hitting me in the leg as hard as he could and seeing how painful my reaction was. All he kept repeating in Spanish was “You just wait, this one is gunna be even harder� which was hilarious to hear him say. After we were done with playing outside, Victoria invited us in to her home to see her son’s piano and guitar. And I think anyone that knows me can assume that I defiantly rocked out on the piano for a good ten minutes. Which I would like to think they enjoyed. All in all it was a pleasant switch up to my daily rounds in Bethel.

I guess something else that was a bit different was that we were put on a screen fast, which just means no computers or IPads for an entire week. I can tell you I had some troubles with this concept and might have shared some of my opinions on the topic. It was definitely a humbling experience knowing that your 19 years old and 5000Km + away from any parent and your still being told what to do. I did realize that I may have been a little Ignorant and stubborn. (Really hope my father didn’t just hear me admit that). Even though it was hard, there were a lot things I did enjoy about the screen fast. It did give me a lot of time to faithfully read my bible and a couple really good books. One that I think everyone should read is “Love Wins� a very controversial book but, one that really makes you think about what you believe.

As for today, we were supposed to head to the beach this morning, but another big protest broke out on the main highway so traffic was clogged up for miles. To expand on that, the plantain workers went on strike again because the government didn’t hold up on their part of the bargain. The Government had promised the worker higher wages but has yet to fulfill their promise. Looking at the picture at the bottom you will see that traffic is backed up for tens of miles. It’s so different from North America. In most places you couldn’t block off a road because there are so many side dirt roads. Here there is literally just one giant highway, so if you block that off you block off traffic going to 3 major cities. Which you can imagine is a huge problem, also the reason why protesting on the main highway is so affective.

It’s getting a bit harder to be from home, but it’s encouraging to know that God has a plan for me. I’m so blessed to be able to participate in this trip and I don’t want everyday problems to get in the way of the lasting change and growth that is meant to take place in Nicaragua. If you guys could continue to pray for strength and comfort while I’m on this trip that would be awesome. Love all my family and friends back home, crazy that it has already been a month since I left home. Only 8 More !!!

Peace Out!!


      (Protest Jammed up Traffic in front of the Project)

                           (Sam With some Cuties at a parade)


7 responses to “Finding Routine….”

  1. Hey Colten.
    Wow So happy you got the chance to play the piano. As your mom I so hope you take that up again You are so gifted in that department. I’m sure the kids loved you playing its a great way to connect with anyone is music.
    I’m sure Dad wouldn’t think you are stubborn at all!! :). I’m happy that you are able to reflect and look at yourself We all need to Colten and the earlier we learn this in life I believe the the better.
    That workers struck sounds awful!! Are they able to make any headway?
    Are you glad you have time to spend there with the people. As opposed to leaving going to another country like Cody?
    I so love your blogging. Hope you continue to grow closer to God. Who was the book you read by. Will have to try to find that one.
    Love you tons Colt. Hope to FaceTime soon.
    Keep doing Good. Hugs.

  2. Love your blog Colten…. what a great journey you are on! Thanks for sharing with us… I am always excited to hear what you are up to and how things are going. Keep it up! Take Care!! 🙂

  3. Hi Colts, Keep sharing! I love seeing the pictures of those kids! they are adorable! keep hugging them for me haha! i am going to show my kids your blog and pictures so that they see what you are doing. xo until your next blog….

  4. Hi Colten!

    I love reading your blogs about your amazing adventure Colt……thanks for sharing! And Mya says she loves them too!!! 🙂 Glad you are doing well and seeing things from a different perspective. Such opportunities are humbling and create positive change. And having an opinion isn’t always a bad thing… shows you stand for something and for what you think is right.

    I wish we had limited time on the computer….it would sure allow us to do more important things, like read the bible.I guess I’ll have to exert some self-control. hahaha. I do have an app, Piper Devotionals. lol.
    Anyways, you take care. Praying for you.

  5. Wow Colten, crazy how mature u can sound when u have a very broad audience. Haha but in all seriousness it’s sounding like u are having a very power and moving experience down there and it’s great to hear from you. I was at your house the other night for a party for broeks early bday and I couldn’t help but notice that something was missing. It was the the first time I’ve being to your house without u being there and it is just not the same I must admit. I miss ya buddy and can’t wait to see u again but until then I hope u have an awesome time and continue to challenge urself and others.
    So long gay boy
    Love ya

  6. Hey Colten….finally had a chance to sit and read your blog postings. It is hard to fathem that life isn’t how we experience it here in Picture butte. Your loving heart is evident in the pictures of you and the children and I wish you all the prayers to continue on this wonderful journey. Can’t wait to read your next experience.

  7. Again with the cuties. Haha love the pic of you and Jeffrey…I’m sure he doesn’t know who you are, but that’s cool. Glad to hear the Lord taught you some things through the screen fast too. He is good, Colten. I am glad that you are seeing His goodness in a lot of things in Nicaragua!