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Been a crazy week let me tell you, I really dont even know where to start. Alot of hard work and spiritual growth has gone on all week. I think ill just break up every important day into its own paragraph so I can keep track of my thoughts. When at home its pretty easy to explain what you do in a week but, when your in a completely new place with all new people everyday tends to be something you wanna talk about. Anyways here it goes…..

I believe it was on Monday, we were invited to go to church in Bethel ( pronounced Batell ). Everything was going as you think it should, although I have to add that there music in church is nothing like at home. I completely speak the truth when I say this, every single instrument and microphone is turned up to the max. And if max  is a 10, theres was at 11. We actually started calling church in Bethel the rock concert.  Anyways it was what happened during church that was so crazy. After about three or four songs the main preacher got up to do his talk, when after about 5 minutes of talking he had a heart attack right on stage. Now at the time we all just thought he passed out because it was so hot and humid in there. But after they drug him out of church they came back 40 minutes later telling us that he had passed away. When this was said the entire room erupted into tears. So just picture this, 25 white people in a big spanish church having absolutley no idea what to do. As we stood there awkwardly for 5 minutes you could feel the room erupt with Gods spirit and we all of a sudden surrounded the people and prayed over them. As we prayed for comfort it was incrediable how the people recieved us, they welcomed us to pray with them as if they had known us for a life time. Its really crazy why God put us in that situation and why he wanted us to witness that. For some reason I feel it was because he wanted us to realize that this trip is real, and we have to make real change here. Cant let these moments pass away, we have to live here and now and bring these people closer to God. After that night the funeral was the next morning which we all attended. Was able to talk to the people and thats when I think the people really accepted us into there community which was an awesome feeling.

As for Wednesday we did super painful work that changed my mindset forever. Mom and Dad if you could please get Taner and make him read this next paragraph, it is for his own good. This whole week I have been thinking about how I am going to tell this story in a way that would make people understand how difficult it was. That day we all got to work for Chinadega county (Made up organization) but this county job was not a union, it also didnt come with the millions of dollars worth of equiptment. This job came with a half kilometer of potholed road and one wheelbarrol. "Well Colten come on they must have given you a shovel" you may ask. And if my hand counts as a shovel then yes they did give us one. We had to pick rocks one  by one from higher levels of gravel and dump them in the 3 foot potholes. So to summerize, 25 people picking up rocks with there hands and dumping it into one wheellbarrol that we had the luxury of having. I was optimistic at first but after 5 hours of work in plus 40 weather we did get the job done. So I think the point that I am trying  to make is that machines are amazing and physical work sucks, so always be greatful. But for real Taner's scrapper could have fixed that road in 2 minutes flat.      

Not Much else has really been going on. Apparently the volcano was supposed to erupt today but, its 8:02pm and nothing has happened.  Right now im sitting in the cafeteria typing this all out because we are being infaded by a giant youth group, so we all got kicked out tonight. Which means ill be staying in my beloved tent tonight. Anywho thats the end of this post i`ll make another post sometime next week. Love sent back home to my family and friends!!!!!!

This is going to be the time in the blog post that I show you all the cute kids I get to work with.
I`ll make sure I post some every week.

 (Favorite kid in the whole world ) 

(And his Little brother)


4 responses to “Crazy Week…”

  1. Hello Colty!!
    Sounds to me you are growing to learn some real realities to life. I’m sorry the people don’t have the equipment needed to make their lives easier you are right. We take so much for granted and really need to remind ourselves how fortunate we are.
    I will be sure Taner reads your blog
    I am so enjoying your blogs. Don’t stop.
    We all love you and hope to learn so much through you.
    Bless you son.

  2. Hey Colten! It’s tasha. I miss u tons but it seems like u are having lots of fun! I hope that nine months goes by fast cause I miss u so much already! I hope that u have tons of fun and I’ll talk to u again soon! Love u lots!!
    -love your awesomest cousin Tasha that misses u so much!

  3. Hey Colten! It’s tasha. I miss u tons but it seems like u are having lots of fun! I hope that nine months goes by fast cause I miss u so much already! I hope that u have tons of fun and I’ll talk to u again soon! Love u lots!!
    -love your awesomest cousin Tasha that misses u so much!

  4. Love reading this man! The Lord has been moving you through so much in the first few weeks we were here and still is!