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Thoughts & Inspiration

So I'm here, after another round of tough goodbyes and exhausting traveling. Even though maybe it wasn't has hard to say good bye as Children's garden, we still met a ton of incredible people in Malaybalay. Can't thank William, Tara and Mt. Moriah camp enough for everything they did for us. Along with the World Race guys that took part in our ministry. Once the farewells were done and over with we started off on another long treck around the world. Defiantly not as much traveling as getting to the Philippines but let me tell ya, my feet and legs were swelled up like a tree trunk by the end of it. We landed in Lalongwa, Malawi on Saturday and headed straight for debrief. Debreif is just a time set up to hang out and talk about your previous ministry before you head out again. This time we stayed with our whole squad in a nice little hostel with a pool and wifi for 3 nights. Which was just what we needed after the long days of travel. 

It was quite strange because for the most part I usually really enjoy debriefs but, this one was different. I was too anxious to get on the mission field to sit and relax. For the most part it seems as if our whole squad has been waiting for Arica. There's something about the African culture that is so mysterious and new. It's something none of us have experienced or witnessed with our own eyes except for the scenes shown in movies. So even though debrief was long and painful when it was done we took a 2 hour ride with all our gear to our new missionary sight (Senga Bay). As we stepped out of the vehicle we were told we would have to walk through two villages to arrive at our new sight. That was when everything that I had ever seen on television came to life, the most surreal thing that nearly blew my mind away. Heaps of African children running out of their mud huts, skipping and running with us, singing sweet tribal songs all the way to the camp. And I'm sure I said it through out my blogs that I have witnessed the most beautiful children but, today I can positively say I have. Seriously I can not put into words that experience, it is something that can't be explained. My whole life I have had a perception of what this continent was all about, what it's land entailed and how it's people lived. That perception was not even close to the true beauty and excitement that lies here. I think the best example I can give you guys is the World Vision commercials. We have all seen them and all our hearts have been broken when seeing those children on the screen. There was something about those commercials that altered my mind into thinking that Africa was this poor, depressed and despairing nation. Which don't get me wrong, those things do lie here and they are a reality. But, to see those adorable swelled up bellied babies face to face and see them laugh and play, made me realize that there is so much happiness here. So much more happiness than any of those other things. Even in hard circumstances and situations these people do live lives and do what they can to enjoy them. It's not all sad babies sitting in front of door steps, it's a culture rich country with many incredible people. I truly have never been more scared and excited to explore a country, there just so much wonder to it. I know I have begun to ramble but it is to portray my true feelings, this is exactly what is electrifying through my body. At first I was worried at what I would all write but by the looks of it I haven't done too bad so far.

Anyways thats the paragraph of what's going on in this crazy head of mine. To give you guys a little more idea of where I'm at and what I'm doing I'll get into it. I haven't explored to much but, from what I can tell I'm stationed on a small farm right on lake Malawi. We are in tents and will be for the next 3 months which will be a challenge of it's self. Along with that we have no running water and no electricity. I can now assume you are all thinking that this is crazy or how do I survive through the days. Well we have a well about a mile away from our farm where every morning our chore is to go and fetch water with our 5 gallon jugs. Believe it or not that is actually one of my favorite parts of the day because we get to talk to all the locals that are also filling up there jugs. Still blows my mind how these women can carry 5 times as much water then me just by balancing it on there head. It was just this morning when I tried to show off and carry it on my head too, that was when I embarrassed myself in front of 10 African mothers. Even though my ego was shot it was still a great walk back and good exercise climbing back up the dreaded steep  hill.. So I know it sounds tough but I guess that's why God made Alberta farm boys that much tougher. Don't feel bad just continue to pray that I make it through the rest of the time with my sanity and ego still in check. 

I feel like I could write an entire paragraph just on the lake and that's what I think I am going to do. I don't know if any of you have researched lake Malawi but, you should so you can get a picture of what I am talking about. We are just a short 5 minute walk from our tents until we hit the beautiful golden sand beaches and the crisp blue water. And I know all my fellow Canadians are freezing there butts off right now but, for some reason it brings me joy bragging about my hot temperatures (So far all I have to brag about) haha. For real though the lake is an absolute God sent because even after a long hard day of work and ministry that water totally refreshes my body and soul. I really don't know what I would do with out it. 

As for the rest of the week, today we had church on the farm  and had our ministry contacts run the service. Our job for next week is to find a church our team can go to by talking around with the locals. On Tuesday our team will have our day off, I believe we are planning to go to one of the beach resorts and just relax. Get a nice shower and use some much needed wifi. I think everyone on this trip found out really quickly that Colten loves his Internet, so it defiantly is going to be a difficult couple of months for me. Love to stay connected with all of you guys and especially with my lovely Mom and Dad. I have been missing them both like crazy these last few weeks and maybe my bros just a tad. I'm sure they won't read this anyways so I can get away with that. Should be starting some really cool ministry these weeks to come, will for sure share everything I experience. 

Just on a short note, to go back quickly to the Philippines, my Mom just informed me she sent the money to Children's Garden and you guys raised an insane 4250$!! Way way way way more than I ever could have imagined. I thank all of you guys again so much, you have absolutely nooooooooooo idea what it means to me knowing that my family and friends are thinking and caring about me back home. Just that alone made this trip worth it. To brings you guys to the Philippines with me and make a huge different in all of those boys lives. You are all incredible and I'll make sure to live up to every single dollar you all donated. All the blessings in the world to you and your families. Hope to all see you all very soon. Should be able to get on the Internet every Tuesday so I'll make sure I keep connected during that time. Well that is all I have for this blog. Missing everyone like bonkers. Keep in touch !!

Peace Out!!!

7 responses to “Africa!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  1. Hey Colty.
    So good to see you finally. Once again i praise God for WiFi! You look good son. I love reading your blogs. Love your honesty and discription of Africa. Way to go kid!! And way to hang in there when it gets a little tough. Those are always the most rewarding in the end. With God we can can do all things. He keeps us strong. and He always gives us back double for our former trouble. So keep an eye out for all the blessings that are sure to come your way !
    Stay strong. Keep growing and practice the water hauling on the head. I want to witness that! :).
    Love you so baby boy!! Hugs. Xxoxo

  2. Hi Colten,
    Again so great to read your blogs your Mom sends me. Wow, what an experience you are having – chance in a lifetime !! And to think of all the lives you’re influencing thru God’s grace and power. You are his voice and hands. ‘Carry on my good and faithful servant’ . He is truly blessing you and the ones you touch. Enjoy Africa and its’ wonderful people and keep up the great work.
    May God continue to be behind you to protect you, beside you to encourage you, & in front to guide you !! Know your family & friends are proud of you !!! Momma Shim.

  3. Hey Colten I miss you tons and I can’t wait to see you so soon! You are amazing inside and out and don’t forget it! Talk to you soon, and happy that you realized how strong girls can be! 😉😘

  4. Hi Colty!
    So good to hear from you! Uncle Cammy,Tasha,Matt, an me have been missing you!!!!
    So Arica is beautiful hey!!! Wow you are so blessed to see all these beautiful countries. I bet the kids are adorable and no kidding carrying those huge jugs of water would be hard on the muscles—uugh!! Amazing strength💪
    I checked out lake Malawi on internet and its great. And nice for you to soak in clean water!
    Hang in there, Colt! You are touching lives! You are so blessed and I know you are sharing terrific blessings with all those around you!!
    Be strong!
    Now go carry some water would ya!!
    Love ya

  5. Hi Colten!
    I’m just amazed reading about all you are experiencing on
    your mission! In our Bible study at home we are learning that “we can do all things through Christ” and “have no fear” Now when I need to think of a person who exemplifies this, you will be the first person to come to my mind! Continue to be strong and be safe!
    Auntie Jackie

  6. Hi Colten
    I’ve been following your journey through your blog and conversations with your auntie and mom. Amazing!! For what it’s worth, I couldn’t be more proud of you! Out of the blue today Nolan asked me how your basketball career was going. When I explained to him what you are up to he was extremely interested and had tons of questions. Then he said”that Colten, he’s always been a great kid!” I chuckled remembering how I could always get him to eat any vegetable when he was little as long as I said you loved them!!! On a serious note, you are an inspiration to both young and old. Congratulations to you on living your best life and being such a kind and selfless young man.
    God bless and take care.
    Mrs. Price

  7. You’re a funny dude. You know that? Haha got so much joy out of reading your blog because I feel like I’m having a real conversation with you. Praying for you to continue to see blessings while in Malawi. Keep it up bro!