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I know sometimes it may seem like missionary life is some what of a dream life. The easy going life style of no worries and no responsibility. At first these were things I most enjoyed. Coming just out of a crazy and busy schedule made being a missionary quite easy to love. But, after 8 months of being on the field, the glamor of the hot sun and golden sand beaches have lost there appeal.  Easy going days and lazy afternoons have lost their enjoyment. I am at the end of myself and I have nothing left to ponder. Nothing left to think or fantasize about. If I even think of one more soft couch to lay on or thick hot juicy steak, I think my head may explode. Like I've said, I am officially at the end of me. I'm at the end of authority. Authority I don't agree with. And I'm especially at the end of not having a voice in the things that affect me directly. Im sick of missing my family and friends. Along with missing basketball, air conditioning, driving, television, washing machines, green grass, civilization etc. etc. etc.. All in all, missionary life isn't as easy as I once thought. Although their are pros and cons to every situation. And this last week I have defiantly been at fault focussing on the negative. I often wonder how and why this happens. Why do I constantly feel sorry for myself when I don't get enough to eat or have to sleep on a hard floor. Like geez have I not noticed their are a thousand kids just at the bottom of the hill that go through that everyday. Who am I to be entitled to anything. Which brings me to why have I ever felt entitled. Entitled to good food or a warm bed. Entitled to money or school or a loving family. Is it because I think I'm better then the Nicaraguans, Filipinos and Africans. That because I'm white and from a successful family I have a God given right to everything that has been given to me.  Entitlement is a scaring and rough road and is so easy to get stuck on. It's the reason for the roughest week of this trip thus far. Their are just to many things to love and enjoy in a place like this to get stuck in a rut like that. God has done to much on this trip for me not to love these last 25 days. It's just as easy as that for me. God has done so much. Has been so faithful. Aloud me to love and care for people more then I thought I was capable of. I owe it to myself, my family, the kids in the village and especially God to end this trip off the right way. Not in entitlement, selfishness or regret. But in love. The same way Jesus did when he left this earth.

It's so crazy how when I read over these posts I don't even know who has written them. I think it is such a testimony of what God can do and what he wants to do in all our lives. I am pretty confident to bet that most people were surprised when they heard I was going on a mission trip. Believe me, I was just as surprised as the rest of you. I didn't think that with the things in my past and the way I was living my life, God would ever want use me. How could he? I was only out for my own selfish desires. But, this is why our God is so incredible. It is through our hardships and mistakes that makes us stronger. It gives us a otestimony to say "I was in the pit of fire and God rescued me". "Even through all my sins God has redeemed me and he can do the same for you." As Christians we are not called to be strong. To be invincible to the enemy. We are called to be broken. It has been through others being vulnerable that I was able to be saved. We can't go walking around acting self righteous, because we all struggle with the same things. We struggle with the same things that non Christians do. So how do we expect to bring non believers closer to Jesus if we are to ignorant to admit we have issues too. I needed someone to be vulnerable and broken with me long before this trip and I see it constantly in our youth. They have such a big problem with changing and buying into Christ because there to scared to be open. To scared to admit that they need Jesus really badly. Why is being passionate about Jesus against the norm? Why isn't it the norm? We don't have to be a "Crazy Christian" or a "Weirdo" as I used to call them, to love Jesus. To fight for Jesus. To become a better person for Jesus. Because I know we are all hungry for Him but, just like me before this trip I was not willing to sacrifice my own self image for Jesus. Yet, when I did it was the most freeing thing I have ever done. At that moment you are free from ridicule and judgment because when your all for God nothing else matters. If God is for us who could be against us. Amen!!

So through many dull weeks something really amazing happened last night. And I regretfully say I was not apart of it. Just this week our contact Johan thought it would be really cool if we could play a Jesus film down in the near by Islamic village. Which all of us were thrilled about and took to the streets to tell everyone about it. So Monday and Tuesday we told as many people as possible and on Wednesday we showed the movie at about 6pm. Unfortunately because I was on kitchen duties I wasn't able to go. But I sure wish I could have. Because after the movie our squad decided to pray for healing and ask anyone if they wanted to accept Jesus. And in this small Islamic village, over 50 adults and a hand full of kids accepted Jesus as there Lord and Savior. Amen!!
Such a mind blowing experience for everyone on the squad. It has been really hard these last couple of months because a lot of us have felt like we haven't been able to reach the people in the villages. But like I have said, our God is a faithful God and he answers prayers. 50 people!! Still blows my mind when I think about it. It just shows you the power of Jesus. We did not even have to say one word to the villagers but, just show them a Christian based movie and they were ready to hand there lives over to Christ. Those are the nights that make this trip all worth it. Not the hot weather or traveling around the world but seeing God move through people.

This was actually going to be the end of the blog but as I've said before this is crazy Africa. I know I haven't really mentioned what has been going on and I have to be careful what I say so this post doesn't get taken down but, throughout these last 2 months there have been 7 or 8 thefts from our camp site. Things like laptops and iPods are big ticket items especially because we live so close to a market. But along with 2 laptops and 2 iPods being stolen over 600 dollars has been taken from tents during our time here. Thankfully never from mine. Even with day and night guards they haven't been able to catch a glimpse of the thief. In my opinion not the best guards but beggars can't be choosers. So anyways today I get woken up from my nap to find a young man tide to a tree surrounded by 10 village police officers. Men with bright yellow construction vests on. When I go talk to my buddy Kory he let's me know that earlier he was walking down by our tents to fetch some wood for the fire to find this kid awkwardly standing in the boundaries of our property. When Kory ask the kid what he was doing he ended up bolting off so he chased him and after a few short moments one of our property keepers Adam was able to snatch him and get him in a tight hold. Now let me tell you for the last 2 months a lot of the people that work on the property have been getting a lot of grief because of this thief. Mainly because they have all been accused for taking the things, especially the builders building our toilet facilities. So I think we can all assume they wanted his head on a stake. And even though they couldn't get that, a lot of them got a few punches in on him to show there frustration before the police arrived. Now with all that said you have to remember this is Africa and things are done much differently here. I don't think at all what happened was inhuman but defiantly wouldn't fly back at home. All in all everything went good, the thief was taken to jail for interrogation and everyone could sleep a little easier knowing that nothing else was going to get stolen. So far the laptop was retrieved but their still not to sure about the iPods. I'm praying that everything will turn up but, in the end there just things. And thankfully we come from a land where objects like these aren't to hard to come by. 

So thats what's up if you were wondering. Really been enjoying these last couple of days and looking forward to the few we have left. Can't believe how far we have all come from this experience and I cant wait to get home and share it all with you. Hope all is good in Southern Alberta. I heard the rotten snow is back, let's hope it keeps up till May 14th. I would love to see me some snow when I step off that airplane 🙂 lol I know I'm gunna get in trouble for saying that. Anyways have a good week. Pray for me and my squad. I look forward to chatting with all of you so soon.  Love you family !!

  Peace out!!!! 

6 responses to “The Ups and Downs”

  1. Wow. I don’t think any other word or phrase I try to think up will suffice me emotions after reading your posts. Praying lots for you Colten. Sending love. .. Wow

  2. Colts.
    I am so grateful you are growing in your faith and love for our sweet and loving God!!! He definately has a plan for you and I am so grateful you are not afraid to share your feelings. That is how you will gain more hearts for Jesus
    Love ya kid. I thank God everyday for all my boys!! I can’t wait to have almof you together. How sweet that day will be. God is good!!! Amen.

  3. Thanks for writing Colten! I have always had one of your same questions-why isn’t Jesus our societies ‘norm’? You have great insight and are beyond your years my cousin xo

  4. Colt, I love all the realizations that come so naturally to you. You write with a rawness that is rare to find a lot of times. I am so freaking proud of the man I see writing these blogs. Praying for safety and good closure to this trip for the squad. Stay strong these last few weeks man!

  5. Miss you lots Colt!! Can’t wait to talk with you again!!
    Enjoy these last few weeks—–wow, you have shown us all
    how good GOD is!! ALL the time!!
    Love you XOXO–auntie Tan